But when looking at potential energy upgrades for your home, you should keep in mind a few important considerations:
- Energy Efficiency is about more than electricity. For cold climate North American homes, the biggest source of energy consumption is space heating; space heating, in turn, is largely fueled by oil and natural gas. Barring a wholesale conversion to a electric heat (which may be expensive), photovoltaics will do nothing to reduce the amount of oil and gas that your home consumes.
- Should you decide to invest in renewables, the scale of your investment will depend on the amount of energy your home consumes. If you can cut your home's energy consumption in half through simple, low-cost measures, and thus reduce the investment necessary to take your home to net zero in half (think: 1 solar panel vs. 2), you've made a good investment.
- Return on investment. Air sealing often turns out to be a relatively low cost task. For example, air sealing might be a $1,000 dollar investment upfront, and could save you $500 or more per year, which would give you a 2-year Rerturn On Investment (ROI). A wind turbine in your back yard or on your roof, on the other hand, might cost somewhere in the ballpark of $15,000-$20,000. That would take a while to pay itself off.
- Energy Efficiency is about more than energy efficiency. Done right, sealing air leaks and upgrading your insulation are both measures that have a high ROI, will reduce your carbon footprint, and will reduce your energy bills. But they will also reduce drafts, make your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, and potentially increase the health and longevity of your house. That's a lot of bang for your buck. So if installing renewable energy sources at your house doesn't have quite the same immediate financial benefit, we won't hold it against renewables: it's a tall order to fill.
What is Home Performance?
When you buy a car, you expect good gas mileage with low upkeep, safe handling, and comfort inside. In other words, respectable performance. Why would you have any other expectations for a house? The ability of your home to deliver comfort, health, and affordability is what a Home Performance Assessment is all about. Is the home functioning at its optimum? Or are there deficiencies and inefficiencies? An assessment can often determine which cost effective items can improve the performance of your home most!
Check out the Home Performance Assessment page and its Learn page for the issues and how your home can be improved!
Are you new to Home Ownership?
Make sure you look at the suggestions on my Renovations page; more useful information on my Real Estate Pages; and an excellent read on the Building Science Corporation's website: The Building Science Guide to Home Ownership! See my LINKS page for more.
Of course, feel free to call (718.941.3725) or email me with questions and concerns!
Are you a builder or developer looking to meet new local energy codes or Energy Star?
As an independent third party, I can provide initial and test-out Blower Door and CAZ testing along with Infrared imagery to help make your project a success.
Contact me for more information.