Maybe it's time for some building forensics!
Homes burn through a mortifying 21% of the energy in the United States. A Peak Home Performance Assessment will help you identify problem areas of your home for energy-saving air sealing and insulation retrofits. Choosing to do such retrofits will not only make you more comfortable, but will also save you money every month on your utility bills—all while making your home safer, healthier, and easier on the planet, too!

As an independent Home Performance professional serving the greater New York area, I can provide:
- Thorough energy audits
- Infrared thermal photography
- Blower door testing
- Duct testing
- Combustion safety testing
- BPI and RESNET Certified.
Those old windows might not be the worst culprit in your house. Missing insulation, insulation failure, hidden airflows, undetected water infiltration, broken or defective duct work, or poor weather sealing at doorways might all be contributors to drafty rooms, musty smells, and high heating bills. Many of these same issues can also affect the durability of your home over time.
My services are geared toward identifying the most cost effective improvements that will enhance the optimal functioning of your home. Of course energy efficiency is a key component for achieving this result. The recommended measures will aim to make your home safer and healthier, and help out the environment to boot, all while saving you money. That's my goal: maximize the comfort, safety, and durability of homes while minimizing their operating costs and environmental impact.
Thank you for visiting my site! Feel free to take a few moments to look around, check out Home Performance Information articles to get an idea what home energy audits and home performance contracting are all about. And of course, please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding your home's comfort, health, safety or energy use. I'll look forward to hearing from you!
What is Home Performance?
When you buy a car, you expect good gas mileage with low upkeep, safe handling, and comfort inside. In other words, respectable performance. Why would you have any other expectations for a house? The ability of your home to deliver comfort, health, and affordability is what a Home Performance Assessment is all about. Is the home functioning at its optimum? Or are there deficiencies and inefficiencies? An assessment can often determine which cost effective items can improve the performance of your home most!
Check out the Home Performance Assessment page and its Learn page for the issues and how your home can be improved!
Are you new to Home Ownership?
Make sure you look at the suggestions on my Renovations page; more useful information on my Real Estate Pages; and an excellent read on the Building Science Corporation's website: The Building Science Guide to Home Ownership! See my LINKS page for more.
Of course, feel free to call (718.941.3725) or email me with questions and concerns!
Are you a builder or developer looking to meet new local energy codes or Energy Star?
As an independent third party, I can provide initial and test-out Blower Door and CAZ testing along with Infrared imagery to help make your project a success.
Contact me for more information.